About Us
All of our cards are produced entirely in the UK on very high quality board from
renewable and sustainable forests. The board is heavily textured and many of the
designs are enhanced with a sprinkling of glitter.
It’s difficult to reproduce such quality on this website and to capture that sparkle, so please
do contact us and we can send you some samples so that you can see for yourself just how
beautiful our cards are!
Our office is open from 9 til 5 Monday to Friday and we welcome your telephone,
or email orders and enquiries. You will find our latest Orderform downloadable from
our Contact Us page.
When you place an order, your cards will be despatched from our warehouse within 48
hours (subject to availability). If it’s over £150 we’ll say a big thank you and pay for the
carriage! If it’s under, we’ll still say a big thank you but unfortunately we’ll charge you
carriage at a flat rate of £7.00 to the UK mainland.
All of our cards are available in multiples of 6 and are individually wrapped in a cello bag.
Our notelets/thank yous come in packs of 5 and our party invites/announcement cards
come in packs of 10 with matching envelopes and a strong outer cello.
Payment can be made either by BACS or cheque and the details you’ll need will be on the
invoice. A pro forma invoice will apply for the first order, thereafter terms are 30 days.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you’ll join our loyal following of
customers with excellent taste!