B10 Candles
B11 - Flowers
B12 - Gifts
B13 - Elephants
B14 - Balloons
B15 - Butterflies
B16 - Owls
B17 - Robins
CR325 - Candles
CR326 - Proper Cake
CR327 - Ditsy Flowers
CR328 - Ditsy Butterflies
CR329 - Ditsy Balloons
CR330 - Spotty Tetley
CR331 - Yummy Cake
CR332 - Squashed Tomatoes
CR355 - Elephant Parade
CR356 - Owls Outing
CR357 - Robins Reunion
CR358 - Party Time
CR359 - Patch's Big Day
CR360 - To You in Words
CR01 - Birthday Brother
CR02 - Birthday Sister
CR03 - Birthday Daddy
CR04 - Birthday Mummy
CR05 - Birthday Uncle
CR06 - Birthday Auntie
CR07 - Birthday Grandma
CR08 - Birthday Grandad
CR09 - Bestest Birthday
D211 - Candles
D212 - Proper Cake
D213 - Ditsy Flowers
D214 - Ditsy Butterflies
D215 - Ditsy Balloons
D216 - Spotty Tetley
D217 - Yummy Cake
D218 - Squashed Tomatoes
D281 - Elephant Parade
D282 - Owls Outing
D283 - Robins Reunion
D284 - Party Time
D285 - Patch’s Big Day
R10 - Raspberry Candles
R11 - Raspberry Flowers
R12 - Raspberry Gifts
R13 - Raspberry Elephants
R14 - Raspberry Balloons
R15 - Raspberry Butterflies
R16 - Raspberry Owls
R17 - Raspberry Tea
R18 - Raspberry Cupcakes
R19 - Raspberry Robins
R22 - Raspberry Party
R23 - Raspberry Patch
R26 - Raspberry Football
R27 - Raspberry Shoes
R28 - Raspberry Words
R57 - Happy Birthday Gorgeous
R58 - Raspberry Sister
R59 - Happy Birthday Mum
R60 - Happy Birthday Wife
R61 - Happy Birthday Grandmother
R62 - Happy Birthday Daughter
R63 - Happy Birthday
R64 - Happy Birthday Dad
R65 - Happy Birthday Brother
R66 - Happy Birthday Son
R67 - Happy Birthday Husband
R68 - Happy Birthday Daddy
R69 - Happy Birthday Grandad
R70 - Happy Birthday Grandson
049 - Pink Candles
050 - Blue Candles
051 - Happy Birthday To You
052 - Birthday Girl
053 - Birthday Presents
054 - Birthday Balloons
055 - Birthday Boy
056 - Special Friend
057 - To Mummy
060 - Birthday Train
061 - Silly Me, I Forgot Birthday
064 - 13 Today
078 - Ballet Shoes
079 - Birthday Dots
081 - Happy Birthday Mum
082 - Aged to Perfection
083 - Birthday Cake
084 - Birthday Butterflies
085 - Vintage Flowers
V15 - Happy Birthday Dad
V19 - Happy Birthday Mum
R11 - Raspberry Flowers (Featured)